22 Mart 2013 Cuma

Whatsapp !

Whats app'ın the world's most popular instant messaging software application, and then spreading rapidly emerging Messageme. So much so that the application in the App Store in a few days reached number one in the list of most downloaded apps.

Which is basically an instant messaging software, and as a free download on the contrary Whatsapp'ın Messageme application kaydolabiliyorsunuz e-mail or Facebook account. Just as BBM (BlackBerry Messenger) to share your PIN, you need to talk to your friends Messageme'de working logic. This is a private chat with the addition of a 4-digit code Messageme başlayabiliyorsunuz you share with your friends.
iOS users, which includes some special features such as send by Messageme your favorite music with your friends through iTunes, photo, audio, and image location information, such as drawings, you can also use some of the features are not Whatsapp'da.

Whatsapp'tan being one step ahead of the tablets, which works well Messageme, both iOS and Android platforms on March 7 published cases. Especially in the last days, spreading rapidly increasing the PIN code of the application shows the shares.

Let's see if we manage to Messageme Whatsapp'ı throne?

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